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We Use Tech To Create Opportunity

Learn a little bit about tripleNERDscore


Every organization needs Nerd Power

Nerd is no longer a dirty word. In fact, everything you and I do runs on technology that is powered by nerds like us behind the scene. What tripleNERDscore seeks to do at every turn is bring the benefit of that tech to your business or organization. Whether it be small website changes or a new web-app to automate your business, we work diligently to help bring your life and create greater opportunity for you and your team.


What We Do

Website Development

We build quality websites, focused on speed, accessibility, and usability, for partners of all sizes, primarily building on ExpressionEngine and WordPress. Whether a small brochure site, or a large eCommerce site with complex integrations, we have built it and can build it.

Web and Mobile App Dev

More than building an app, we build systems that automate your business and delight customers. With a combination of our proven partnership process, and our expertise in both Laravel and Vue, we build bespoke, custom software in all verticals.

Digital Day-to-Day

You have to run your business... why not let us run your web? Need ongoing site maintenance? Site rescue? Content management? SEO? Web hosting? We're your dev team behind the scenes, keeping your business digital day-to-day running.

Dev Team Behind-the-Scenes

Is your business outgrowing your current development team growth? Need someone for some quick turnaround projects? The TNS team can gladly work alongside your team, in your tools, to help you accomplish the goal. We win when you win.

What We Value

Small Is the New Big
We believe small is the new big, so we work to build something that will start where you are at and grow with you.
We Step Into Messes
We love to get our hands dirty. Whether it is a complicated problem you want to automate, or lots of dirty code you need cleaned up, we'll meet you there with gloves on.
We Build Indie
Building tech should serve the community at large, without stomping out the little guy or small business. We seek to create product that serves to raise the bottom for those around us.
Operate From Clarity
We plan well to bring your app to life so you can reach your goals. We also understand that priorities can change quick, so we're agile enough to change direction when you need it.

The Power of Nerds

I grew up watching my entrepreneurial parents grow a business that allowed me and my family to have the life we have have today. I created tripleNERDscore to help businesses, churches, non-profits, and entrepreneurs, do the same bring their vision to life. I want to create opportunity together.

Doug Black


Want to learn more?

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Get a free consultation to answer your questions. Just tell us a bit about yourself and your project, and we'll point you in the right direction.

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